module Prelude where

-- Natural numbers as our first example of
-- an inductive data type.

data  : Set where
  zero : 
  suc  : (n : )  

-- To use decimal notation for numerals, like
-- 2 instead of (suc (suc zero)), connect it
-- to the built-in natural numbers.


-- Lists are a parameterized inductive data type.

data List (A : Set) : Set where
  nil  : List A
  cons : (x : A) (xs : List A)  List A

-- Disjoint sum type.

data _⊎_ (S T : Set) : Set where
  inl : S  S  T
  inr : T  S  T
infixr 4 _⊎_

-- The empty sum is the type with 0 alternatives,
-- which is the empty type.
-- By the Curry-Howard-Isomorphism,
-- which views a proposition as the set/type of its proofs,
-- it is also the absurd proposition.

data False : Set where

-- Tuple types

-- The generic record type with two fields
-- where the type of the second depends on the value of the first
-- is called Sigma-type (or dependent sum), in analogy to
--   Σ ℕ A =  Σ   A(n) = A(0) + A(1) + ...
--           n ∈ ℕ

record Σ (S : Set) (T : S  Set) : Set where
  constructor _,_
  field fst : S
        snd : T fst
open Σ public

infixr 5 _,_

-- The non-dependent version is the ordinary Cartesian product.

_×_ : (S T : Set)  Set
S × T = Σ S λ _  T

infixr 5 _×_

-- The record type with no fields has exactly one inhabitant
-- namely the empty tuple record{}
-- By Curry-Howard, it corresponds to Truth, as
-- no evidence is needed to construct this proposition.

record True : Set where

-- Relations

-- Type-theoretically, the type of relations 𝓟(A×A) is
--   A × A → Prop
-- which is
--   A × A → Set
-- by the Curry-Howard-Isomorphism.

Rel : Set  Set₁
Rel A = A × A  Set

-- Less-or-equal on natural numbers

LEℕ : Rel 
LEℕ (zero  , y    ) = True
LEℕ (suc x , zero ) = False
LEℕ (suc x , suc y) = LEℕ (x , y)

-- C-c C-l load
-- C-c C-c case split
-- C-c C-, show goal and assumptions
-- C-c C-. show goal and assumptions and current term
-- C-c C-SPC give