{-# OPTIONS --copatterns --sized-types #-}

module SN.AntiRename where

open import Relation.Unary using (_∈_; _⊆_)

open import Library
open import SizedInfiniteTypes
open import Terms
open import Substitution
open import SN


  -- To formulate this, we need heterogeneous SNholes, going from Γ to Δ

  -- unRenameSNh : ∀{n a b Γ Δ} (ρ : Δ ≤ Γ) {t : Tm Γ b} {E : ECxt Γ a b} {t' : Tm Γ a} →
  --   SNhole n (subst ρ t) (λ t' → subst ρ (E t')) t' → SNhole n t E t'
  -- unRenameSNh = TODO

  unRenameSNe : ∀{n a Γ Δ} {ρ : Δ  Γ} {t : Tm Γ a}{t'}  IndRen ρ t t' 
                SNe n t'  SNe n t
  unRenameSNe (var x x₁)     (var y)           = var x
  unRenameSNe (app is is₁)   (elim 𝒏 (appl 𝒖)) = elim (unRenameSNe is 𝒏) (appl (unRenameSN is₁ 𝒖))
  unRenameSNe (fst is)       (elim 𝒏 fst)      = elim (unRenameSNe is 𝒏) fst
  unRenameSNe (snd is)       (elim 𝒏 snd)      = elim (unRenameSNe is 𝒏) snd
  unRenameSNe (is  is₁)     (elim 𝒏 (𝒖 ∗l))   = elim (unRenameSNe is 𝒏) (unRenameSN is₁ 𝒖 ∗l)
  unRenameSNe (( is)  is₁) (elim 𝒏 (∗r 𝒕))   = elim (unRenameSNe is₁ 𝒏) (∗r unRenameSN ( is) 𝒕)

  unRenameSN : ∀{n a Γ Δ} {ρ : Δ  Γ} {t : Tm Γ a} {t'}  IndRen ρ t t'
     SN n t'  SN n t
  -- variable case:
  unRenameSN (var x _)    (ne (var y)) = ne (var x)
  -- constructor cases:
  unRenameSN (abs t)      (abs 𝒕)      = abs (unRenameSN t 𝒕)
  unRenameSN (pair t₁ t₂) (pair 𝒕₁ 𝒕₂) = pair (unRenameSN t₁ 𝒕₁) (unRenameSN t₂ 𝒕₂)
  unRenameSN ( _)        ▹0           = ▹0
  unRenameSN ( t)        ( 𝒕)        =  (unRenameSN t 𝒕)
  -- neutral cases:
  unRenameSN n            (ne 𝒏)       = ne (unRenameSNe n 𝒏)
  -- redex cases:
  unRenameSN is           (exp t⇒ 𝒕)   = exp (unRename⇒1 is t⇒) (unRenameSN (proj₂ (unRename⇒0 is t⇒)) 𝒕)

  unRename⇒0 : ∀{n a Γ Δ} {ρ : Δ  Γ} {t : Tm Γ a} {t' : Tm Δ a}{}  IndRen ρ t 
                 n ⟩⇒ t'  Σ _ \ s  IndRen ρ s t'
  unRename⇒0 {ρ = ρ} (app {u = u} (abs {t = t} is) is₁)  (β 𝒖)  = _ , prop→Ind ρ (≡.trans (≡.sym (sgs-lifts-term {σ = ρ} {u = u} {t = t}))
                                                                      (≡.cong₂  t₁ u₁  subst (sgs u₁) t₁) (Ind→prop _ is) (Ind→prop _ is₁)))
  unRename⇒0 (( is)  ( is₁))  β▹    =  app _ _ , ( app is is₁)
  unRename⇒0 (fst (pair is is₁)) (βfst 𝒖) = _ , is
  unRename⇒0 (snd (pair is is₁)) (βsnd 𝒕) = _ , is₁
  unRename⇒0 (app is is₁)        (cong (appl u) (appl .u) tρ→t') = let s , iss = unRename⇒0 is tρ→t' in app s _ , app iss is₁
  unRename⇒0 (fst is)            (cong fst fst tρ→t') = let s , iss = unRename⇒0 is tρ→t' in fst s , fst iss
  unRename⇒0 (snd is)            (cong snd snd tρ→t') = let s , iss = unRename⇒0 is tρ→t' in snd s , snd iss
  unRename⇒0 (is  is₁)          (cong (u ∗l) (.u ∗l) tρ→t')   = let s , iss = unRename⇒0 is tρ→t' in s  _ , iss  is₁
  unRename⇒0 (is  is₁)          (cong (∗r t₂) (∗r .t₂) tρ→t') = let s , iss = unRename⇒0 is₁ tρ→t' in _  s , is  iss

  unRename⇒1 : ∀{n a Γ Δ} {ρ : Δ  Γ} {t : Tm Γ a} {t' : Tm Δ a}{}  (is : IndRen ρ t )
               (t⇒ :   n ⟩⇒ t')  t  n ⟩⇒ proj₁ (unRename⇒0 is t⇒)
  unRename⇒1 (app (abs is) is₁) (β 𝒖) = β (unRenameSN is₁ 𝒖)
  unRename⇒1 (( is)  ( is₁))  β▹   = β▹
  unRename⇒1 (fst (pair is is₁)) (βfst 𝒖) = βfst (unRenameSN is₁ 𝒖)
  unRename⇒1 (snd (pair is is₁)) (βsnd 𝒕) = βsnd (unRenameSN is 𝒕)
  unRename⇒1 (app is is₁)        (cong (appl u) (appl .u) tρ→t') = cong (appl _) (appl _) (unRename⇒1 is tρ→t')
  unRename⇒1 (fst is)            (cong fst fst tρ→t') = cong fst fst (unRename⇒1 is tρ→t')
  unRename⇒1 (snd is)            (cong snd snd tρ→t') = cong snd snd (unRename⇒1 is tρ→t')
  unRename⇒1 (is  is₁)          (cong (u ∗l) (.u ∗l) tρ→t')   = cong (_ ∗l) (_ ∗l) (unRename⇒1 is tρ→t')
  unRename⇒1 (( is)  is₁)      (cong (∗r t₂) (∗r .t₂) tρ→t') = cong (∗r _) (∗r _) (unRename⇒1 is₁ tρ→t')

-- Extensionality of SN for function types:
-- If t x ∈ SN then t ∈ SN.

absVarSNe : ∀{Γ a b n}{t : Tm (a  Γ) (a →̂ b)}  app t (var (zero))  SNe n  t  SNe n
absVarSNe (elim 𝒏 (appl 𝒖)) = 𝒏

absVarSN : ∀{Γ a b n}{t : Tm (a  Γ) (a →̂ b)}  app t (var (zero))  SN n  t  SN n
absVarSN (ne 𝒖)                                                   = ne (absVarSNe 𝒖)
absVarSN (exp (β {t = t} 𝒖) 𝒕′)                                   = abs (unRenameSN (prop→Ind contract (subst-ext contract-sgs t)) 𝒕′)
absVarSN (exp (cong (appl ._) (appl ._) t⇒) 𝒕′) = exp t⇒ (absVarSN 𝒕′)